Refunds and Returns
Our top priority is ensuring you’re completely satisfied with your purchase. If our product falls short of your expectations, we offer a full refund. Our refund policy is straightforward: you have 10 days from the date you receive the product to initiate a return. We keep it simple with a no-questions-asked return policy. If you’re not entirely happy, Contact us and raise a return request via email or phone to start the return process. Simply return the item in its original condition, including all accessories, and we’ll refund your purchase in full.
For the best experience, we recommend reviewing the detailed product descriptions on the product page to help you choose the right item for your needs.
You can cancel your order before it has shipped, typically within 1 to 2 business days. To check the status of your order, simply use the Track Order feature available on our website. If you decide to cancel, please reach out to us through one of the Contact us options listed there. Once your cancellation is processed, you’ll receive a full refund within 48 hours, and it should reflect in your account within 5 business days. The refund will be issued to the original payment method used.
You are eligible for a full refund if you return the product within 10 days of the delivery date. After we inspect the returned item, your refund will be approved. Once approved, we will initiate the refund within 48 hours, and it should appear in your account within 5 working days. The amount will be returned to the original payment method.
If you paid by credit card, the refund will be processed back to the credit card used at the time of purchase. For Paytm payments, the refund will be issued to the same account used for the transaction.
If you’ve received a product that is damaged, defective, or not as described, please reach out to our customer care team at [customer care phone number] to initiate a replacement request.
We offer one (1) replacement in the rare case your product is damaged. To process your request, kindly provide clear photos and videos of the damage within 3 days of receiving the item. Please note that if you do not raise your complaint within 3 working days, we will not be able to process any replacements.
For us to successfully pick up the product, please ensure the following conditions are met:
– The product must be correct and complete, including the original brand/product ID, undetached MRP tag, original packaging, and any included freebies and accessories.
– The product should be unused, undamaged, and in its original condition with no stains, scratches, tears, or holes. Additionally, all quality check seals, return tags, and warranty seals (if applicable) must be intact and untampered.
Once we have successfully received the original product, we will dispatch the new item to you.